International Networking I 中德法社交专场
Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed guests, and distinguished professionals,
Welcome to the Echo Space and T&T Meetup’s International Networking Event, a sophisticated gathering designed to connect the brightest minds in marketing, branding, public relations, media, e-commerce, trade, cross-border operations, and live-streaming. As we approach the end of another eventful year, we are thrilled to invite you to an evening of networking, insights, and celebration.
Tonight, we will be bridging cultures and industries as we bring together a diverse group of local and international leaders and professionals from Germany, China, and France. This is more than just a networking event; it’s an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and explore the latest trends shaping our dynamic fields.
This event is not just about business; it’s about building relationships, discovering potential collaboration opportunities, and expanding your network of high-quality connections in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. So, let’s raise a glass to new beginnings, fruitful partnerships, and a prosperous year ahead.
Welcome to the Echo Space and T&T Meetup’s International Networking Event. Let the connections begin!
欢迎参加Echo Space和T&T Meetup的国际交流酒会,这是一个精心设计的聚会,旨在连接市场营销、品牌推广、公关、媒体、电子商务、贸易、跨境运营和直播领域中最聪明的头脑。随着又一个充满事件的年份接近尾声,我们很高兴邀请您参加一个晚上的交流、洞察和庆祝活动。
欢迎参加Echo Space和T&T Meetup的国际交流酒会。让我们的联系开始吧!
在拥堵的城市, 在意义缺失的时代, 泛滥的社交媒体洪流 将岁月冲击成无数碎片 裹挟年龄呼啸而过 你有多久没有和身边的朋友认真对话了 你有多久没和新老朋友交心了 你有多久没和世界各地的朋友分享快乐了 独自成长的你 还会寻找一起玩耍的小伙伴嘛 让我们一起 在闹市找一个树洞 这里所有的发声都会被认真聆听 所有的伙伴都在眺望世界和远方 如果下班后的你不知道去哪里 请尝试徒步到Echo Space这个小角落 我们暂时放下母语 和这里的国际友人们 开启一场英文交流 他山之石,可以攻玉 打开心扉,必有回响 你可以放心倾诉的小角落, 就在华山路328号3楼371室 Echo Space, 欢迎热爱世界的你